My husband is mad about fire, ironically I love water, so maybe in our case opposites do attract. But even I can not deny there is something slightly magical about watching the flickering of flames, and of seeing them dance in the dark. There is something hypnotic and relaxing (though I still prefer to watch water crash onto rocks) about it and on a cold day the heat is not to be snuffed at. As part of my new 'Make a House a Home' series I thought how lovely it would be to have a real fireplace with a real fire glowing from the hearth. Or even to have a pizza oven in a back garden (which I don't have) where you could gather your friends around and share a few drinks, laughs and fun. When it gets to cold you could retire to the living room and have a camp in.
With these beautiful and yet highly unlikely scenarios in my head I started to look for some fireplaces. After a while of looking at pictures of ornate or plane, Victorian or modern I came to a sudden thought. Even If I did have such a item, where would I go to get fuel for the fire. Bonfire night is one thing, when you get rid of odd bits of wood or old furniture, but surely those without a forest at my back door I would need to have a more practical method of getting fuel. Not that the image of Nick with a chainsaw and axe being all manly in a flannel shirt and shouting 'timber' doesn't equally excite me and scare me to death, something tells me it's also not the best idea for getting your hands on firewood.
So with that in mind I started to look at where to get some from. To my amazement I find that I am woefully ignorant in kinds of wood to use and how to best start a fire. Needless to say that if I did own a fireplace I would have been setting fires all wrong and more than likely started a house fire by now, so lets thank the stars for that mercy.
I found a site called
Certainly Wood which is not just about selling it also has a whole page on educating those who need it 'uhum - me' about such things as moisture content and storage. It's not just selling wood, but kindling, a moisture measure, a ash vacuum and even a shed to store you logs. With a lot of options for bulk buy this is basically is a one stop shop for all you fire lighting needs. For the day when I finally do get a fireplace or a fire pit this is a handy site to remember for easy delivery and to keep Nick's pyromania happy!