Monday 17 June 2013

Ladyboys of Bangkok

Last Monday, I kindly got invited to go and see The Ladyboys of Bangkok cabaret show with Laura and Danielle, Laura had got the tickets and with a mixed bag of apprehension and excitement, we set off to see the show. Cardiff was packed due to a show on the same night from Rhianna and so after a few under the breath mutterings and a fair bit of pushing we got out of the train station and into the car with Danielle who was exasperated with the drivers of Cardiff all thanks to the Riri concert.

Please excuse bad pictures as I only had my phone on me after leaving my camera at home.

We got to Cardiff bay with time to spare and took our places with a drink in hand and awaited the start of the show. What can I say, it was just a great experience. The performers were stunning and the costumes were to die for. The atmosphere was electric and kept you interested from start to finish, an hour and a half just flew by and after a lot of singing and swaying it was time to go home.

I would definitely recommend anyone to go and watch the show. pure entertainment.

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